Well Done and even better...
Friday, September 23, 2011, 01:10 AM - WORKSHOPS
I am very happy to give a go to reach the next goal for most of my chinese and international students. Some I really will miss and some I would like to work with... in the next future. Here will be a Hall of Fame for the best very soon.

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Xteve's VC Classes
Tuesday, August 2, 2011, 02:10 PM - WORKSHOPS
Since I give part-time based lessions to chinese students at RDI Shanghai;
Students can register themselves and login at the Webinar:


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For students only! SMOKE Workshops ... perfect if you want put your hands on FLAME as well!
Monday, March 21, 2011, 09:55 PM - WORKSHOPS

Being a Flame/Smoke operator for more then a decade, I love to see SMOKE runs on a mac now. Free for Students to download and easy (if you are really a student) to get an 3 years education license. Feel free to ask me for Workshops or even advanced Lessions. Thank you Autodesk! The world most Top End Postproduction available for Students to get into it!

You need to have a actual mac model! And you need to be a STUDENT!

I can give crash courses for Autodesk Smoke (very handy if you focus Flame or Inferno too):

1. hands on and first workflow steps (6 hours)
2. learn editing in the timeline (8 hours)
3. learn ACTION for 3D compositing (8 hours)
4. learn Paint, Keying and Rotoscoping (2x8 hours)
5. learn how to do a high-end TV Commercial ready to AIR' it in TV (5x8 hours)

as well FinalCutStudio

1. getting into it and first working steps ( 6 hours)
2. editing in different ways (8 hours)
3. Effects in FCP (8 hours)
4. Key & Matte ( 2x8 hours)
5. How To Make a low budget TVC ready to AIR' it in TV ( 5x8 hours)

and SHAKE:

1. getting into it and first working steps ( 6 hours)
2. timeline editing and assembling (8 hours)
3. NODE Compositing (8 hours)
4. Paint, Keying and Rotoscoping( 2x8 hours)
5. Morphing (2x8 hours)
5. How To Make a high end TVC ready to AIR' it in TV ( 5x8 hours)

Please Note: I teach the SKILLS to make STUDENTS able to USE the most advanced Post-Production Systems! I DONT PROVIDE THE SYSTEM'S!

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Nothing Real (Apple) Shake - Keyboard Shortcuts
Tuesday, August 17, 2010, 12:10 PM - WORKSHOPS
Beside other HighEnd Systems, I do still use the node based Image Manipulation System "Nothing Real (Apple) SHAKE" for :

1. most easy tasks; like timelapse creating, cropping & adjusting with move2d - node.
2. most difficult tasks in big picture compositing with multiple render-passes and even more layers as well time corrections in 4k.
3. Multimedia Engineering for split-screen setups beyond 10k resolution (... yeeah... try this with After Effects or another system !!!!)
4. Network rendering of multiple supersize picture slices with qmaster network render system
5. Color grading & matching of complex color schemes in different scenes with different resolutions (maybe diff camera systems).

Node Workspace
r - refresh thumbnail (reload thumbnail - takes current frame)
t - toggle thumbnail on/off
l - order selected nodes in a line
y - order selected nodes verticaly
x - order selected nodes horizontaly
f - frame selected nodes
i - ignore node
g - group selected nodes (shift + g adds to group, cntl + g removes from group)

f - fit frame to viewer
+ / - - zoom in/out
HOME - 100% scale
q / p - pan (when you have on screen controls)
w / o - rotate (when you have on-screen controls)
e / i - scale (when you have on-screen controls)

r - red channel
g - green channel
b - blue channel
a - alpha channel
c - color channel

1 - toggle b/w buffers (A/B)
2 - toggle b/w color channels
3 - toggle b/w update modes
4 - toggle b/w viewer scripts
5 - togglbe bt/w compare modes

Color Swatch (press key + click and drag mouse left/right)
r - manipulate red value
g - manipulate green value
b - manipulate blue value
h - manipulate hue value
s - manipulate saturation value
l - manipulate luminance value
t - manipulate 'temperature' value
v - manipulate value

r - red channel
g - green channel
b - blue channel
a - alpha channel
c - color channel

. (>) - loop forward playback (shit + > - bounce mode, ctrl + > - play once)
, (<) - loop backward playback (shit + > - bounce mode, ctrl + > - play once)
right arrow - move forward one frame
left arrow - move back one frame
/ - resume rendering

+ / - - zoom in / out
HOME - scale 100%

+ / - (Num Pad) - increase/decrease playback fps
t - toggle ' "true" on off - tells shake to play in with real fps (i.e. allow shake to drop frames)
i - toggle color value display types

ESC - close flipbook

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FILMMAKERS Assets ... to use on SET ...and in POST
Thursday, April 22, 2010, 09:10 PM - WORKSHOPS
Here is a copy of an useful PRIMARY COLOR CHART to match different lightning scenes; thats what I normally use AFTER WHITEBALANCE and BEFORE the CLAPPERBOARD start the ACTION on set.

It definitly helps to MATCH the GRADES ; even if you have a bunch of a few hundred shots.

HOWTO use the Primary Color Chart for digital camera's... DOWNLOAD PDF

Aspect Ratio Chart to match the FRAME FORMAT you are going to shoot.

DSC Back Focus Test Chart

Here is the Camera Focus Test Chart.

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Multi Media Workshops
Friday, October 23, 2009, 01:40 PM - WORKSHOPS
From march 2006 to september 2007 I provided Multi Media Lessons and Workshop's as Visual Communication Lecturer in the Raffles Design Institute at DongHua University Campus Shanghai and in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon)/Vietnam.

So I got the idea to create Multi Media Workshop's here in Shanghai; as Crash-Courses for beginners to start & run their first projects.

Possible Themes could be:

Production - Camera, Light, Shot-Framing & Visual Rules.
Timelapse - create dramatic highspeed movies.
Final Cut Pro - Editing, from Setup to Delivering an HD Program.
Shake - Tracking , Keying, Speedchange and Color Correction.
Motion - Simulation of complex particle animations without any keyframe. Animatics for TVC & Feature.
Cinema4d - Modeling, Texture Mapping, Animation, Light + Camera & Rendering.
Logic - soundtrack secrets.

Please tell me with an comment what do YOU would like to learn or what you are interesting in.

Best regards,

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